Museum: Highlights of Berlin Exhibitions in Autumn
eeling the effects of wet and cold autumn weather? A Berlin exhibitions might be the perfect alternative for a cozy museum visit!: Until October 22, you can visit the Alte Nationalgalerie to see the public success "Secessions. Klimt, Stuck, Liebermann." The exhibition compares the three cities of Vienna, Munich and Berlin and their artistic avant-gardes, with the works of Gustav Klimt taking center stage. The show was supplemented with many posters and writings, such as for the 1902 exhibition of the Vienna Secession, which was dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Beethoven's death. Klimt's Beethoven Frieze was created for this occasion, and its pencil drawings can be admired in the museum, among other places.
With one of the most important representatives of symbolism, Edvard Munch, the late autumn starts in 2 museums, the Berlinische Galerie and the Museum Barberini. Both exhibitions have put the work of the “Berliner by choice” in focus. The Berlinische Galerie, which is located within short walking distance to our Grimm’s Hotel Berlin-Mitte, makes the beginning on 15.09.2023 with the opening of the exhibition “Magic of the North”. From November 18, the Museum Barberini in Potsdam complements the exhibition spectrum with “Lebenslandschaften”, shows further impressions of the artistic work and thus offers the opportunity to dive comprehensively into the world of Munch.
The advance sale for the combination ticket has already started since the end of August. Tickets can be purchased at both the Berlinische Galerie and the Museum Barberini (combined ticket price 20 euros/reduced rate 12 euros).
Edvard Munch had a great influence on the art and artists of Berlin, even lived in the city between 1892 and 1908 (with some interruptions). He became famous or, depending on your point of view, infamous in one fell swoop when his first major exhibition in Berlin came to an abrupt end after only 7 days. Established artists found Munch’s painting style scandalous, and resistance to this way of expressing himself artistically eventually led to the premature end of his first Berlin exhibition, but further exhibitions followed nonetheless…the rest is history.
“Lebenslandschaft“ heißt der Titel der Ausstellung im Museum Barberini, die am 18. November 2023, dann zeitgleich mit der Berlinischen Galerie läuft. Sie stellt zum ersten Mal Munchs Auseinandersetzung mit der Natur in den Mittelpunkt einer Schau. Bis dahin läuft noch die ungewöhnlich, da selten zu sehende Gesamtschau “Wolken und Licht” im Museum Barberini, die sich dem Impressionismus in Holland widmet.
The Potsdam museum has assembled around 100 works by around 40 artists. For the first time in Germany it shows the very own style of Dutch Impressionists, including some key works by Johan Barthold Jongkind, Vincent van Gogh, Jacoba van Heemskerck or Piet Mondrian, which have hardly been shown in Germany to date. Museums such as the Rijksmuseum , the Stedelijk Museum or the Kunstmuseum Den Haag have provided the paintings for this exhibition. But not only the exhibition focuses on Holland. -The cityscape of Potsdam is characterized by Dutch influences: …from the Dutch Quarter to the Dutch Orchard of Sanssouci Palace – so that a stroll through Potsdam is a must after the museum visit.
Photos above: inside as outside the exhibition title is program: “Clouds and Light”.
“Clouds and Light” offers the full range of Dutch painting: the Hague School, the Amsterdam Impressionists and also the generation of Dutch painters who were inspired by French and Belgian Pointillism and Fauvism. Monet, Renoir or Caillebotte were the well-known role models from Paris, by whose painting style the Dutch painters were inspired. They then eventually painted their own motifs from their everyday lives, showing the technical and social progress of their time, as can be seen impressively in this exhibition.
Alte Nationalgalerie (Sezession. Klimt, Struck, Liebermann – bis 22.10.23)
Berlinische Galerie (Edvard Munch “Magic of the north” 15.09.23-22.01.24)
Museum Barberini (Clouds and Light. Impressionism in Holland until 22.10.23)
From 18.11.23 Edvard Munch “Lifescapes”
über Potsdam & Holland:
Fotos inkl. Titelbild: © Katinka Schütt