Grimms Hotels

Frohe Weihnachten / Märchen. Fairy tales. Wenn Du wirklich etwas willst

When you really want something…

“If you really want something, all fairy tales come true”.

– Dr. Theodor Herzl (1860-1904)

At Grimm’s Hotels, we love to host and are always good at making fairy tales come true. This year the words of Dr. Theodor Herzl prompted the management to give something to those in society who have not been that lucky so far. Three organizations and projects are particularly close to Grimm’s Hotels’ heart:

Ärzte ohne Grenzen e.V. (Doctors without Borders), the Berliner Obdachlosenhilfe e.V. (Berlin Aid for the Homeless), and the Kinderhilfe der Deutschen Lebensbrücke (German Life Bridge Children’s Aid), which has made it its mission to give children their laughter back.

Ärzte ohne Grenzen e.V. (Doctors without Borders)

is the largest independent organization for emergency medical aid in crisis and war zones and was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1999.

Berliner Odachlosenhilfe e.V. (Berlin Aid for the Homeless)

is a non-profit association that cares for people living on the streets. The employees go to the homeless, talk to them or cook for them. Several times a week, on their tours, they provide people living on the street with warm clothing, sleeping bags, sleeping mats and food. All that is financed by donations, moreover, the association tries to help by organizing free access to doctors, rehab facilities or even emergency shelters.

Kinderhilfe der Deutschen Lebensbrücke (German Life Bridge Childrens’s Aid)

For more than 30 years, the association has been very committed to helping sick and socially disadvantaged children, especially here in Germany, but also worldwide. The aid projects, for example preventive projects for disadvantaged children or special projects for children in need, are financed exclusively by donations and membership fees.

…and since presents, fairy tales and Christmas are inseparable, we would be delighted if you would join us in supporting the “Wish Tree” campaign of the “Schenk doch mal ein Lächeln e.V.” association: Children from social emergencies receive a Christmas gift in the name of Santa Claus.

We would like to thank all our hotel guests for their loyalty and wish you a fairytale Christmas and a good start to the New Year. We look forward to many more fairytale moments with you in 2023.